This envious spouse engaged the services of a detective

Posted August 23, 2023 by: Admin
An envious spouse engaged the services of a detective – and was astonished by the discoveries
An envious spouse engaged the services of a private investigator to monitor his wife’s actions. The husband’s request extended beyond a mere written account; he sought visual evidence of his wife’s endeavors.
After a span of seven days, the detective returned bearing a video. They settled in together to view the footage. Despite its non-professional quality, the husband witnessed his wife in the company of another man!
The footage depicted the duo sharing laughter in a park, relishing moments at an open-air café, swaying together in a dimly illuminated nightclub, and engaging in a multitude of activities, all with evident elation.
Overwhelmed, the disconcerted husband uttered, “I find it hard to fathom.”
In response, the detective quipped, “Why the disbelief? It’s all right there on the screen!”
To this, the husband rejoined, “I can’t believe that my wife could be so much fun”
This little girl reveals to her mother why dad divorced her
A mother was driving her young daughter to a friend’s house for a play date.
“Mommy,” the little girl inquired, “how old are you?”
“Sweetheart, it’s not polite to ask a lady her age,” the mother gently replied.
“Alright,” the little girl conceded, “how much do you weigh?”
“Darling, those are personal questions and not something we ask,” the mother explained, maintaining her composure.
Undeterred, the little girl persisted, “Why did you and Daddy get a divorce?”
“Enough questions for now, my dear,” the mother sighed, her patience wearing thin.
As the two friends began to play, the mother, feeling exasperated, walked away.
“I can’t get anything out of my mom,” the little girl confided in her friend.
The friend offered a suggestion, “Well, you could always look at her driver’s license. It’s like a report card; it has all the answers.”
Later that night, the little girl approached her mother, a mischievous grin on her face.
“I know you’re 32 years old,” she declared.
Taken aback, the mother asked, “How on earth did you figure that out?”
“I also know that you weigh 140 pounds,” the little girl continued.
Flabbergasted, the mother exclaimed, “Where did you get that information?”
With a triumphant air, the little girl delivered her punchline, “And I’ve cracked the mystery of why you and daddy got a divorce.”
Amused and intrigued, the mother played along, “Really? Do tell.”
“Because you got an ‘F’ in sex,” the little girl giggled.