Delicious Caribbean Coconut Cakes Recipe: A Tropical Delight

Posted September 1, 2023 by: Admin
Discover the tropical delight of Caribbean Coconut Cakes, a treat cherished across the Caribbean under various names. These coconut-infused confections are not only a delectable indulgence but also carry the rich culinary legacy of Bermuda and the wider Caribbean region. Learn how to craft these delightful candied tarts with just a handful of ingredients. From the sweet allure of desiccated coconut to the warming embrace of freshly grated ginger, explore the flavors that have been handed down through generations. Dive into our easy-to-follow recipe and embark on a culinary journey that transcends borders.
Ingredients for Caribbean Coconut Cakes:
- 2 cups of shredded coconut
- 2 cups of white sugar
- ⅓ cup of water
- 1 tablespoon fresh ginger (adjust to taste)
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla or mixed essence
- Food coloring (optional)
Step 1: Preparing the Sweet Coconut Mixture
- Begin by heating 2 cups of white sugar and ⅓ cup of water in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir occasionally until the sugar completely dissolves.
- Once the sugar turns bubbly and fully dissolves, incorporate freshly grated ginger and essence of flavor (if you choose to add food coloring, now is the time). Add the shredded coconut to the mixture and continue stirring slowly to prevent burning.
- Caution: This recipe involves hot sugar, which can be dangerous. Handle it with care, especially when preparing it alone or with young children.
- Reduce the heat to low and keep stirring until the mixture thickens.
Step 2: Testing and Shaping
- After the coconut mixture has thickened, perform a hardness test by dropping a tablespoon of the mixture onto a damp board or baking sheet. The goal is to achieve the desired consistency as the caramel cools.
- Once the desired consistency is achieved, pour 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture onto a non-stick surface and allow it to cool completely.
- When the coconut cakes have hardened and cooled, they are ready to serve.
Recipe Notes:
- While crafting Caribbean Coconut Cakes, ensure that you keep stirring the sugar to prevent it from burning.
- Be cautious when working with hot sugar, as it can cause burns. Handle it with care while stirring.
- Grate the ginger as finely as possible to achieve the desired texture for your coconut cakes.
- The mixture should reach a molasses-like consistency before it’s considered done.
Indulge in the rich flavors of Caribbean Coconut Cakes, a culinary tradition that has been treasured for generations. Share your thoughts on this delightful recipe in the comments section, and if you decide to try it, tag us on Facebook @gmsrecipes. We look forward to hearing from you!