After his son is branded a ‘Monster’ Idaho dad teaches tormentors a brutal lesson

bullying disabilities empathy facial deformity Idaho Jackson Bezzant parental responsibility. support. Treacher Collins syndrome

Posted November 1, 2023 by: Admin #News

Jackson Bezzant is a typical elementary-aged child. He’s a cheerful young man who enjoys fishing, being outside, and spending time with his family.


Jackson only differs from typical kids in that he was born with a disease called Treacher Collins syndrome. It has an impact on the growth of facial tissue and bones.

Additionally, it has caused him to experience constant bullying at school from kids and even some adults. When he found out that his son had been called a “monster” at school, his father in Idaho felt “destroyed.” After that, the upset father ultimately made the decision that enough was enough and went on a mission to teach his boy’s abusers a lesson. Dan, Jackson’s father, has often seen this bullying.


He recalls walking down the street with his son and hearing a woman pass by them before saying “Did you see that little boy’s face?”

Dan generally maintained his composure and focused all of his attention on keeping his son happy and grounded, which is something that any parent who witnesses their child being tormented would find difficult to do. However, a recent event at school forced Dan to speak up because he was no longer able to remain silent.


Three older boys approached Jackson Bezzant as he was eating breakfast in the school cafeteria. They began making fun of the young youngster, calling him “ugly” and a “monster”. Jackson endured the brutal taunting while sitting there, helpless, until a teacher’s assistant saw and intervened to stop it before it became worse.

Dan was moved to tears when he heard the tale, but the situation was far from ended.


Jackson had undoubtedly been bullied before, but Dan was determined to make this the last instance. Dan was going to send a clear message to all of his son’s abusers: enough was enough.

He rushed to Facebook to make an emotional message denouncing the bullies because he was tired of constantly witnessing his young son being bullied, mocked, and humiliated.

Dan wrote:

“My heart is in pieces right now and my soul feels like its ripping from my chest,” Dan began.


”This beautiful young man, my son Jackson, has to endure a constant barrage of derogatory comments and ignorance like I’ve never witnessed. He is called ugly and freak and monster on a daily basis by his peers at school. He talks about suicide and he’s not quite 8!

He claims he is hated by everyone and has no friends. Children shove him and throw pebbles at him while yelling these abhorrent comments. Please take a moment to consider what you would do if this were your child. Spend a moment explaining to your kids about people with disabilities. Talk to them about empathy and loving one another.


Treacher Collins is the name of his illness. even research it. He has had several gruesome surgeries and will have more in the future,” wrote Dan.

Dan doesn’t blame them and he doesn’t want others to either, despite the fact that some may blame the school or the teachers for the bullying Jackson had to endure. Instead, he wants to place the blame where it belongs—on the parents who failed to instill kindness, compassion, and acceptance in their kids.

“I want parents to see my post and feel my heart break. Please educate your children and let them know that bullying is not OK. Please share this. This shouldn’t be happening to anyone”, Dan said.


Jackson was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, hence his appearance frequently drew criticism. The uncommon disorder impairs the growth of facial tissues and bones, leading to inappropriate development and obvious deformities. Tragically, he will require a lot more surgeries over the course of his life.

Jackson’s schoolchildren contacted Dan and his family after reading his message in an effort to make friends with and look out for the youngster. Even Jackson was able to make a connection with two nearby children who share the Treacher Collins syndrome thanks to Dan’s moving words. They’re going to get together now to have a playdate.

Dan set up a PO box for people to mail Jackson letters or cards after being overwhelmed by the support, and the box has been rapidly filling up ever since!


Since kids sometimes make comments about what they see without thinking about the implications or how they could make others feel, a lot of bullying is probably accidental. But as Dan demonstrated, some information can put a stop to a lot of suffering.


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