How to Grow a Lemon Tree at Home from Seed

Posted October 20, 2023 by: Admin
Growing a lemon tree at home may seem like a challenging task, but in reality, it only requires lemon seeds and a little patience. Follow these simple steps to grow your own lemon tree at home, without the need for any special skills. The result will bring you great satisfaction!
1. Harvesting Lemon Seeds
To start, you will need lemon seeds. Instead of searching for where to buy them, you can simply use a lemon you have squeezed. Don’t throw away the fruit after using it.
2. Seed Preparation
After using the lemon for cooking or making a refreshing drink, don’t discard the peel as it often contains seeds. Rinse the seeds under running water in a strainer, making sure to remove as much pulp as possible. Then, place the seeds in a glass of water and remove those that float, as they are unlikely to germinate. Transfer the seeds to a piece of absorbent paper and let them dry completely.
3. Seedling Preparation
After some time, remove the thin membrane surrounding each seed. Then, place the seeds back in water and let them soak for 2 days. Prepare a pot by first adding a layer of clay, then adding universal potting soil.
4. Planting the Seeds
Place the seeds horizontally in the pot, burying them about 1 cm below the surface and covering them with soil.
5. Watering and Waiting
Water the pot generously and wait for the new shoots to appear. This will take about 10 days to a few weeks from the time of planting the seeds. Make sure to keep the pot indoors during the winter or early spring, or outdoors in a place that is neither too sunny nor too shaded. You can also use a small greenhouse to promote growth.
With this simple and cost-effective method, you can grow a small lemon tree at home. Just wait for the tree to grow to see the fruits appear.