Growing Orchids Made Easy: The Steaming Method Unveiled

Posted October 18, 2023 by: Admin
The orchids are among the most fascinating and magical plants to grow at home, not only for their beauty but also for their varied growth abilities, some of which are very original!
Among these cultivation methods, the steam method stands out, allowing the plant’s roots to grow rapidly while remaining healthy and strong. Let’s see what this entails.
Growing Orchids with the Steam Method
With this technique, orchids will produce more beautiful and better-shaped flowers. To begin, you will need garlic powder, a product rich in vitamins and nutrients essential for plant growth.
Take a teaspoon of garlic powder and pour boiling water over it. Then, strain the mixture through gauze or a cloth, and add half a liter of water. Use this mixture to spray the leaves and roots of your orchid, thus promoting its healthy growth and strengthening its resistance to insects and parasites. The garlic will also facilitate the plant’s adaptation to its new environment.
At this stage, get an empty plastic bottle and cut the top part to create a funnel about ten centimeters long. Pierce several holes in this cut part, just above where the cap would normally be placed.
Conclusion of the Procedure
To finish, insert the perforated funnel into the other half of the bottle, ensuring you remove the plant’s dry roots. Use pieces of styrofoam to fill the empty spaces in the bottle, then fill the other half of the bottle with water. Then, place the plant on the funnel, making sure that the water only partially reaches the roots. Put the whole thing in a well-lit area and water generously.
Once the roots have grown well and have used the holes you created to spread, transfer the plant to a larger container to promote its growth. You will observe that your orchids will be healthy, vigorous, lush, and produce flowers with vibrant colors.