A natural method for preventing fruit and vegetable rot

Posted October 20, 2023 by: Admin
Spread it on the ground during planting: this will help prevent fruit and vegetable rot. This article will discuss a natural sowing method to prevent the deterioration of fruits and vegetables. Let’s see what this involves.
Spread it on the ground during planting
As mentioned, we will be discussing the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, specifically a practice to adopt during seeding.
Many people cultivate various types of vegetables and fruits, enjoying the benefits of being in close contact with nature.
The sight of ripe, plump, and colorful vegetables brings joy to every gardener, whether it’s peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, or other varieties.
However, unpleasant situations sometimes arise, despite all efforts, when vegetables and fruits begin to wither and rot. In such cases, immediate action is necessary.
Discover below an effective remedy to prevent these problems.
Spread it on the ground during planting – What is it?
The remedy we will discuss specifically concerns the seeding phase of vegetables and the method to use. What will you need?
Collect eggshells, rich in minerals. Crush them into a powder to incorporate into the soil. These shells provide 90% calcium, a valuable natural source to prevent the mentioned problems.
However, a few intermediate steps are required before crushing them into powder.
How to proceed: other steps to follow
Start by thoroughly washing and drying the eggshells to avoid unpleasant odors, then crush them.
By adding this eggshell powder to the soil, you will enhance the absorption of micronutrients and increase crop yield, avoiding physiological problems in vegetables and fruits.
You can also use ground coffee, rich in nitrogen, as an excellent natural fertilizer.
Coffee as fertilizer
Coffee can also be used to grow certain vegetables and fruits, such as parsley, basil, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, apples, and tomatoes, as well as zucchinis, corn, and eggplants. Just add coffee grounds to the seeds of these plants during seeding.
It is evident that the use of natural products and methods, as described, is extremely useful and possible to improve the cultivation of vegetables and fruits.